Camp Blog Week 5 - JCC - Orlando

Camp Blog Week 5

Posted - July 9, 2021

And just like that week 5 is in the books!

We started the week with some rain but made the most of it with epic dance parties, pajama day on Wednesday and games in the gym. In science we learned what happens when you mix nerds/pop rocks and Coca Cola – It’s pretty cool (ask your campers about it). On Friday we ended the week by celebrating Israel Day 🇮🇱 and got to experience what it is like living in Israel.

One of the most important Jewish values we can share with our campers is Kavod, also known as respect. We’ve had great conversations this week about how to show respect for one another, how to treat our homes and things we care for with respect and most of all how to continue being respectful of ourselves. We show respect everyday at camp. We respect our space when we clean up garbage and plastic cups that are around camp. We respect our counselors and friends by listening to each other and being nice to everyone. It’s with respect that we are able to create and environment where everyone feels welcome.

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