Camp J Week 3 - JCC - Orlando

Camp J Week 3

Posted - June 25, 2021

Week three is in the books. We enjoyed creating superhero stick people in art, in outdoor adventure we made maps of our favorite places and had a blast wearing our tie-dye on Wednesday. Thursday brought some afternoon rain and we enjoyed dancing and singing to our favorite camp songs. Friday we came together to celebrate Shabbat and then traveled to the Wild West for our Camp J Gold Rush.

It’s been so great seeing the campers smiling every day and making friends and creating amazing camp memories.

Rachmanus is a Jewish value of expressing compassion and support for your peers. We’ve infused this value throughout the week to our campers. The biggest takeaway has been watching our campers work on treating others how they would like to be treated. Being a good loser and gracious winners. And, making a positive difference in the task at hand. 

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