Camp J Week 4 - JCC - Orlando

Camp J Week 4

Posted - July 2, 2021



I can’t believe we are halfway through camp and week four is complete. Our week four was filled with both rain and sun. We enjoyed making falafel in cooking and created rainclouds in science.

Wednesday was Disney Day and we loved seeing everyone dressed up as their favorite Disney character. Friday we came together to celebrate Shabbat and our counselors planned some awesome unit activities and we had Taylor from the Coalition for the Homeless of Central Florida come to speak to us about her organization and how it helps people.

I hope everyone has a great 4th of July!!

The meaning of the Hebrew word ruach is “breath,” or “wind,” or “spirit.” Camp is ALL about spirit! Keeping positivity and authenticity at the forefront, we try and impact as many of our campers and their families through our Camp Ruach every summer. “We’ve got spirit, yes we do, we’ve got spirit how about you?”

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