Teachers - JCC - Orlando

You invest in us. We invest in our professional development.

It is our commitment to our teachers, students and parents to continually grow as a learning community so that we can provide the latest in research-based best practices for every child’s early childhood education. We are consistently conducting training that challenges our educators to continue to grow and stay current on best practices. All our trainings are based on the latest research and align with our NAYC accreditation.

At the ECLC we have lots of titles for our educators like… brain builders, party planners, health care providers, and dream advocates.

Melissa Youngblood, ECLC Director

By The Numbers

  • 20+ hours of continuing education completed each and every year by every teacher
  • Higher tenure than industry average with low teacher turnover
  • 100% certified in first aid and CPR
  • 100% background-screened by the Department of Children and Families
  • Majority of lead teachers hold college degrees

Teachers & Administration

Our teaching goes above and beyond. Our teachers complete 20+ hours of continuing education every year, evidence of how committed we are to excellence, innovation and creativity. They are caring, creative and love working with young children. To ensure an excellent student-teacher ratio, each classroom is staffed with two teachers.

Ms. Amy has been with the JCC for over 30 years. She is a joy to children and families alike. Every day is special with Ms. Amy and she especially enjoys circle time with her children.

Ms. Beth has been with the JCC ECLC for over 15 years. Here she shares as special moment during our Annual All Pink Shabbat in honor of breast cancer awareness month.

With over 25 years at the JCC Ms. Corrie has given many snuggles and smiles. AND we can assure you there is nothing better!

Ms. Deb is a staple at the J. For over 25 years she has supported many teachers as they begin their journeys with us, such as Ms. Ira who is in her 2nd year as an Assistant. Smiling and singing with these two are a given, especially at Shabbat.

At the JCC, colleagues are not just friends, they are family. Teaching together for over 20 years, Ms. Irene & Ms. Deb find lots of opportunities to play together, both in and out of the classroom!

Bringing her love and knowledge of to Judiaca for over 30 years, Ms. Kerry is all things Jewish here at the J! Here she is welcoming in the New Year and experiencing the special sound of the Shofar.

Celebrating success is what we do, especially in the pool! 🙂

Meet Our School’s Leadership

Melissa Youngblood

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