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Days of the Week
Classes for All Levels
American Red Cross WSI Certification
Thursday: 5:00 pm - 9:00 pmAmerican Red Cross WSI Certification
Ages: | 0-2Years |
The American Red Cross Water Safety Instructor (WSI) course trains instructor candidates to teach all of the courses presented in the Swimming and Water Safety program to all age groups; all of the courses listed above, plus Learn-to-Swim Levels 4-6 and Adult Swim. This certification is the gold standard and provides the most comprehensive training for swim instructors.
7th 5pm-9pm
8th 5pm-9pm
9th 9am-4pm
10th 9am-4pm
Students must be 15 years old at the time of class completion. Students also must attend all class sessions and pass a series of tests in order to receive the WSI certification.
Lifeguard Certification
Friday: All DayLifeguard Certification
Ages: | 0-2Years |
Learn how to become a lifeguard with the American Red Cross lifeguard training and certification program. Through training, you will learn all of the skills needed to become a professional lifeguard. From First Aid and CPR/AED training to rescue and teamwork skills, the Red Cross has designed a lifeguarding course that effectively combines both written testing skills and comprehension along with valuable hands-on training.
Dates and Times:
11th 4pm-9pm
12th 9am-4pm
13th 9am-4pm
Pinot & Pickleball
Thursday: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pmPinot & Pickleball
Ages: | 21+Years |
Stay out of the kitchen and join us as we serve you a night of pickleball and pinot from 7pm to 9pm.
Cost is $36 and you get to bring a friend.
Wednesday: 7:00 pm - 8:45 pmTiger Within – JEWISH FILM SERIES
Ages: | 18+Years |